Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are endocrine disruptors found in our environment (air, water, and food supply). These chemicals act as obesogens (they will make you fat).
My tip would be to minimize your exposure to these chemicals, but that would be almost impossible. Having a great detoxification program in place would help you here. I'm currently half way done my Obesogen article, and this will expand on ...my mini write-up on negative partitioning. This will shed more light on why some 'diets' and "exercise' programs dont result in any fat loss or muscle gains. Not only is our body constantly bombarded by these endocrine disruptors / obesogens, or as I prefer to call them, negative partitioning agents to make it simple, but also because these chemicals are stored mostly in fat cells, and you release these chemicals when your losing fat, so these chemicals have a second chance at damaging you further, and although not as bad as damaging organs, these chemicals will inhibit your body from oxidizing fat. Viscious cycle! The best book on detoxification is Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rogers, and it's a very easy book to understand :)