Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weight-loss diet alone or combined with resistance training induces different regional visceral fat changes in obese women.

Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Sep 7. [Epub ahead of print]

Weight-loss diet alone or combined with resistance training induces different regional visceral fat changes in obese women.

Idoate F, Ibañez J, Gorostiaga EM, García-Unciti M, Martínez-Labari C, Izquierdo M.

Department of Radiology. Clinic of San Miguel, Navarra, Spain.


Background:Quantification of abdominal fat and its regional distribution has become increasingly important in assessing the cardiovascular risk.Objective:To examine the effects of 16 weeks of a hypocaloric diet with a caloric restriction of 500 Kcal per day (WL) or the same dietary intervention plus resistance training (WL+RT) on regional variation of abdominal visceral (visceral adipose tissue (VAT)) and subcutaneous (subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT)) fat loss. Second, to identify the single-image that best represents total magnetic resonance imaging measurements of total VAT and SAT volume before and after WL or WL+RT intervention.Design:A total of 34 obese (body mass index: 30-40 kg m(-2)) women, aged 40-60 years, were randomized to three groups: a control group (C; n=9), a diet group (WL; n=12) and a diet plus resistance training group (WL+RT; n=13) with the same caloric restriction as group WL and a 16-week supervised whole-body RT of two sessions per week.Results:WL+RT programs lead to significant changes in the location of highest mean VAT area from L3-L4 to L2-L3 discal level from pre- to post- intervention, whereas after WL the greatest relative VAT losses were located at L5-S1. Similar decreases in the SAT areas at all discal levels were observed after WL and WL+RT.Conclusion:Different weight loss regimes may lead to different distribution of VAT. Sites located significantly above (cranial to) L4-L5 (that is, approximately 5-6 cm above L4-L5 or at L2-L3 discal level) provided superior prediction of total abdominal VAT volume, whereas more caudal slices provide better prediction of subcutaneous fat, not only before but also after either WL or WL+RT.International Journal of Obesity advance online publication, 7 September 2010; doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.190.